My Motivation

Academic by day, content developer the rest of the time

With this post I wanted to explain my motivation behind making content for social media. All my content creation is motivated by my desire to be useful to the wider community and offer value that reaches beyond students who have access to me by being enrolled in a course. I choose to use the content I generate in my own time, to offer value beyond the confines of university virtual learning environments. I hope you enjoy my content and find it useful. I would love it if you could support me in these efforts by subscribing on YouTube, following on LinkedIn, Facebook and Spotify. Joining the community and sharing feedback, is the best way to support me. Thank you so much for being in this journey with me.

Where you can find my work

My primary outlet is the YouTube Channel @iGlinavos. This channel is dedicated to helping people prepare for the SQE, the solicitors qualifying examination. My cooking channel @cookingwithioannis is my hobby and enjoyed by those who want to learn how to cook Greek. I publish podcasts on Spotify, run a Facebook Group and send a weekly newsletter.


My content is supported by affiliate links and sponsorships. Some of my videos contain an affiliate link. If anyone proceeds to make a purchase after clicking the link, I earn a small commission from the provider of the goods or the service. This is of no cost to the user. YouTube is free to watch and displays ads. YouTube Premium allows users to watch without seeing ads for a monthly fee. All affiliate links are notified in the description of the videos where they are placed. I am a member of the Amazon affiliate program and make relevant notifications to anyone who sees these links. Sponsorship means that someone has paid me to produce a video. Usually, their product or service is featured in the video. Sponsored videos are notified on the video itself and in the description. I do not accept sponsorships for products or services that I do not support 100%. For example, I have produced sponsored videos for ReviseSQE and Pearson Education. In the relevant videos I present the sponsor’s books and explain how they can be helpful. There may be a membership option in my YouTube channel. Once I join the partner program and I have access to this feature, subscribers will be able to get access to member-only livestreams and special videos for a small monthly fee. Memberships are paid to YouTube and I receive a percentage of fees from YouTube. There will be no direct monetary link between me and the members of my channel. I also offer podcasts via Spotify. You can listen to these podcasts on any podcasting platform. Search for “iGlinavos”. The content is relevant to academics, PhD students and entrepreneurs. The vast majority of podcasts are free. There is an option to become a member of the Spotify Channel. Those who join ‘iGlinavos Scholars’ get access to additional, member-only podcasts for £1/month. Payments go to Spotify, and then they release a percentage of the fee to me. The aim here is to encourage the creation of a committed community and allow the creation content that is of niche interest. As with any possible YouTube membership, nobody obtains any advantage outside Spotify by becoming a paid member. If the podcast channel is sponsored in the future, this will be clearly notified to all listeners. Finally, I offer a free SQE MCQ newsletter. The newsletter is administered by my Company, GlinTiss Ltd. My company also handles any monetary aspects of my social media output. This is to efficiently manage tax  and business liability. If the newsletter attracts sponsorship, this will be clearly notified to all subscribers. My Facebook group does not have monetization tools, beyond Facebook ad revenue sharing, when and if that ever happens. If a sponsor joins me in the future in managing the Facebook group, this will be clearly notified.

Are you one of my university students?

My own current and future students will not gain any advantage and are not encouraged in any way to become members of my YouTube channel if this option becomes available. Nobody will gain special access to me by joining my channel as a paid member outside access to the livestreams and occasionally special member-only videos. Dr Ioannis Glinavos

2 responses to “My Motivation”

  1. Dionne Avatar

    I would like to gain access to the members only videos on the youtube channell. Please let me know how this is done.

    1. iGlinavos Avatar

      You can ‘join’ as a paying member of the channel, and then you will have instantly access to everything.

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